Inzecter Damsel (One of the key card that helps to swarm)
Royal Oppression (Don't see a reason why is it still ban now. MST - 3, Monster Reborn, Call of the Living Dead - 2 and Agent Angel (If they decided not to target for this banlist again)
Mainspring Rat (Once this is limit, I don't think there will be 3 Zenmighty)
Inzecter Hornet (Limit to 1 is way too "Awesome" for them, they can just die when they see d.d.crow)
Rescue Bunny (Once per turn effect, Just lower the chance of drawing it)
Instant Fusion (Too much players spamming for stunt, lower the chance of drawing it like Bunny)
Update more when I got time.
since you say Oprresion can come back bring imp order with it i mean MST is chainable to Imperial Order and it locks out a main aspect of the current game why not bring it back. both are mostly used in decks that abuse its effect therefor i see them equally broken where as back in the days when Oppression was less abuseable it wasnt even worth compairing. For those that hate swarm decks get used to it Special Summoning and multiple times in one turn is as much a viable tactic and locking the board. Just because you dislike it doesnt make it less viable or less skillful. Honestly the least skill based decks are the negation decks except for the deck building part( so difficult to set 4 cards and summon a thunderking or Doom Cal. so either find more inventive ways to get around spam decks or get out of the game stop wishing for easier means to play stall lock.