Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tournament at J Cube 5/5/12

Tournament @ J Cube 5/5/12
Deck: Machina Karakuri
26 Players joined

Swiss 1 vs Machina Gadgets (Xiao Mei)
1) She started first. Summoned Machina Gearframe search Machina Fortress and ended. I set 3 backrow and ended. She used heavy storm and I negated with Solemn Judgment. Summoned Gadget and Machina Fortress. I used Solemn Warning on Machina Fortress. She summoned another Machina Fortress... What can i do? Set Fiendish Chain can't stop me from losing to Machina Gearframe, Machina Fortress and Gadget, left with only 2000LP.

2) I started first. Pot of Duality into Thunder King Rai-Oh. Summoned Machina Gearframe and got veiler'ed. Set 2 Fiendish chain and ended. She summoned a Thunder King Rai-Oh and attacked, I used Fiendish Chain, she set a backrow and ended. I summoned Komachi and used its effect to summon Strategist, changing Rai-Oh to defense position, then exceed both off them into Giant God of the Silver Summit, not knowing that Rai-Oh can still use its effect after being Demon Chain'ed, so she destroy it with Rai-Oh. She summoned gadget and ended. I took her Gadget using Electric Virus and exceed Machina Gearframe and it for Geargiganto X. She activated Torrential Tribute. I summoned Rai-Oh and ended. She used Dark Hole, swarmed me with Fortress and friends, Fiendish Chain can't do anything again...

Swiss 2 vs Hieroglyph (Wei Ann)
1) Hieroglyph OTK, what can i say?

2) I started first and summoned Machina Gearframe, searching into Fortress then Special Summoning Fortress. Forgotten what happened in between, had a Book of Moon and Fiendish Chain set. He summoned Hieroglyph Su (I think that's its name) and used its effect tributing another Hieroglyph from his hand and wanted to destroy my set Fiendish Chain. Not knowing that if I had used Fiendish Chain it would not have been destroyed, I used Book of Moon on it which still destroyed Fiendish Chain... 1 or 2 turns after that, he made an M7 to bounce my Fortress and OTK'ed.

Swiss 3 vs Hero Beat

Swiss 4 vs Hieroglyph

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